Real Men Wear Kilts and Go For Long Walks


I am getting REALLY excited about getting on the the roads and byways of America and “Walking To My Friends” I have big hopes for the Documentary ” Walking To My Friends: Discovering Goodness and Kindness in America”. The only thing that’s missing is the equipment to film and produce the journey I will be making across America. YOU are the most important person to make this project a success. Please go to and CLICK on the KICKSTARTER button and make a pledge and become a Backer.

Let me take a moment and share some more of my hopes and dreams for this project. I hope to, with your help, create an inspiring film which shows how people come to the aid of a single traveler and show him goodness as well as kindness and invite him into their lives, sometimes for a few minutes and sometimes for a little while longer and become friends with this total stranger. Some will ask this traveler to join in family celebrations and some will invite him into their homes for a meal and/or a warm place to sleep. Others will be more comfortable with giving a simple handshake, hug, a hearty exchange of support and/or a couple bucks for his next meal. ALL will be appreciated and be honored as FRIENDS! Along the way the traveler will take all the excess he accumulates beyond his simple needs and redistribute it to those who are in more need than himself. These people in need will become his FRIENDS as well.


When the film is seen it is my hope that people who experience it will be inspired to walk about their own neighborhoods, towns and cities and interact with whom they share those spaces and make NEW FRIENDS, no matter what their socioeconomic, cultural, ethnic, spiritual differences are. My belief is that when we make friends with others that have different life experiences and world views that world peace is right around the corner. I know its a big dream but, it is one that is shared with great men such as Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. I would encourage everyone to have one really good friend from EVERY GROUP represented in the following photo.


What a great group of friends you would have, if you were “the friend” of someone in each of these groups and you all could call each other FRIEND?!?

So, what can you do to help make this documentary a reality? Go To and CLICK on the KICKSTARTER button and become a Backer of “Walking To My Friends” and making a Pledge. For everyone, including those that have already made a pledge, you can share this project with your friends, family’s and associates. The project is way behind it’s funding goals so, if you have thought about becoming a Backer please take the few minutes it takes and go to now and make your pledge.

Thank You to EVERYONE who has Liked the “Walking To My Friends” Facebook page and are Following the “Walk To My Friends” Twitter page. I would really like to see you all as Subscribers to this Blog as well.


Have a Grateful Day,


About Walking To My Friends

Hi, I am on an EPIC Adventure. I am walking across America for 2 years making a documentary about the Goodness and Kindness of the PEOPLE that live here. I will be depending on that Goodness and Kindness for my day to day needs. I look forward to meeting and getting to know many new friends on my "Walk To My Friends".
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